
learn by teaching an ai

About ducki

ducki is an ai tutor where students teach what they've learned from class. why are students teaching? teaching is the best way to learn and retain information (evidence-based). as time passes, ducki becomes your personalized database of knowledge - all taught in your own words.

teachers can see exactly where you struggle without grades. other students can learn from your explanations.

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Problem statement

learning is still so hard.

students learn in the worse way possible (passively), and forget almost 85% of their education over time. because of this, they spend hours re-learning the stuff they forgot before exams. imagine what happens during the week of final-exams. afterwards, you forget. this cycle repeats.

it leads to all-nighters, cramming, and forced-memorization rather than true learning. it puts the emphasis on grades (the only metric teachers have for a students' success). learning should be easy, enjoyable, and compounding. the system is currently backwards.

after four years of college, you naturally forget almost everything. we want to solve this.

Traction information

- interviewed w/ YCombinator
- accepted @buildspace
- in talks: SputnikVC & UT Genesis due diligence round
- 15 beta users


Scott Francis has visited this profile using a private link.
Added 16 days ago
Scott Francis has visited this profile using a private link.
Added 16 days ago
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Added 20 days ago
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Added 21 days ago
Profile created.
Added 22 days ago
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