
learn better by teaching an ai duck

About ducki

ducki is a personalized ai tutor that learns how you learn.

- how does it work? you have a conversation with ducki (voice or text), and explain what you've learned. that's it.
- why are students teaching? teaching others is the best way to learn and retain information (evidence-based).

as time passes, ducki becomes your personalized database of knowledge - all explained in your own words.

teachers can see exactly where you struggle without grades. other students can learn from your explanations.

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Problem statement

learning is still so hard.

students attend long and difficult classes everyday, just to forget almost 80% of it right after. because of this, they spend days cramming and force memorizing stuff they forgot before exams. imagine what happens during final-exams week. after the course, you forget everything. we learn poorly, and forget everything. this cycle repeats.

for the longest time, grades have determined our performance. it's the only available metric -- and it's extremely reactive. the emphasis on grades takes away from real learning. learning should be easy, enjoyable, and compounding. yet nothing ever grows, only the numbers we acquire. the system is currently backwards.

after four years of college, you naturally forget almost everything. we want to solve this.

Traction information

- interviewed w/ YCombinator
- accepted @Antler's 2025 Residency
- accepted @buildspace
- 15 beta users


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