
Illuminating the Path to Next-Gen Healthcare

About FireflyVR

FireflyVR has built an immersive mental health platform that is clinically designed to enable the sustained mindset and cognitive behavioral changes that are necessary to effectively engage and activate patients across the care continuum of pre-treatment, active treatment, and post-treatment for better health outcomes.


Problem statement

The current care models being used in mental health therapy are highly variable and not scalable due to the cost and lack of qualified therapists.

Problems → Solution:
Mental health clinician shortage ← FireflyVR offers a tool for clinicians to teach and patients to practice therapeutic concepts to ease the burden on the clinician and streamline care.
Lack of timely and consistent patient support across the care continuum ← increase accessibility by providing immersive experiences for use at home or in clinic at various points of treatment.
Low provider adoption & engagement with first generation digital therapeutics ← Self-Directed, Configurable Therapeutic Adjunct that configures to a providers’ pre-existing programs.

Traction information

8 clinical studies in flight with the VA
6 paying customers to date, including a major life science company, a major hospital system, and several behavioral health clinics
A product that has achieved genuine product-market fit and ready for expansion to more customers and more health indications


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