
About WiGL

WiGL aims to help people ditch power cords and wires. Imagine one day getting electrical power from a generator with salt water. Or connecting to the wireless power the same way as Wifi. This is WiGL.Our goal is completely replace the traditional wired segment with enviormentally safe products that will help the world. #letswigl


Problem statement

There are more and more natural disasters happening. Power demands and brown outs are happening more frequently. In third world countries, there still is not power. WiGL solves this problem with our new SWG.

Traction information

Our SWG can be used for First Responders, The DOD and for the Consumer. We can create several product lines with one product technology.


Profile created.
Added about 2 years ago


Not raising capital right now

Total raised to date:$5,000,000
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