Cerebri AI Inc.


About Cerebri AI Inc.

Our solution is "answers", e.g. targeted customer lists and actions that drive top-line revenue. WE score a customer's propensity to buy your products in the next 7 days, 30 days, up to a company-wide forecast of top-line built from each individual customer journey. we measure a customer's affinity with regards to your product lineup, what would they really want to buy. We score engagement using our patented Cerebri Values metric where we value your brand in local currency terms on a customer-by-customer basis.

CX datasets are time-series. Other datasets that we have processed include employee journeys where we work with a leading workforce communications ISV to help them predict employee attrition, employee by employee.


Problem statement

You are making decisions in customer experience ( CX ) - offers for customers, retention, engagement, etc. We provide real-time scoring and action models in that if any "predictive" data feature changes, you can re-score and re-action the customer in less than a second. State-of-the-art performance.

We provide this as "Answers-as-a-Service", we do the required data engineering and data science, you use the answers to grow your P&L.

Our best-in-class CVX 3 real-time AI software platform drives our "Answers-as-a-Service" capabilities described above.

Traction information

We have worked with some of the world's leading brands, reference to our deck is suggested.


Profile created.
Added over 2 years ago


Not raising capital right now

Total raised to date:$25,000,000
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