Choose Health Services

At Choose Health we are focused on helping 1M people improve at least one key marker of internal health.

About Choose Health Services

The choose Health test is a simple, affordable internal health tracking service to test and track a core panel of biomarkers linked to chronic disease and long-term health. Created by three functional physicians, we help users learn how their lifestyle is impacting the key markers of physical health

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Problem statement

There is no simple, affordable and engaging way to answer the question;
‘Am I Healthy on the Inside?’.
- Conventional medicine is not addressing consumer needs.
- Functional, or integrative medicine, is very expensive and typically not covered by
traditional health insurance. Patients have to pay out of pocket for these services.
- 85% of prediabetics, an estimated 40M Americans do not know they have any risk
- Young adults below 40, on average, only get their blood tested every 2.5 years.
- Getting your blood tested in a traditional clinic is time consuming and a terrible customer

Traction information

1250 active monthly/ quarterly D2C subscribers
$35k MRR in Jan 2022
85 Active physician resellers
Lab partner LOI to partner on B2B client onboarding and an investment upon successful pilot


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