
Decarbonization software for the food and beverage industry

About ClimateHound

Vision: to accelerate decarbonization in the global food and beverage industry.

Mission: to simplify sustainability for food and beverage businesses.

ClimateHound helps companies calculate their carbon footprint across all three scopes, implement business-positive decarbonization strategies, and maintain climate-related disclosures.

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Problem statement

29% of global greenhouse gases are generated by the food and beverage industry.

Regulatory systems and compliance are finally taking off globally, forcing companies to act, and many other companies want to take action voluntarily, but the first step is a complicated and tedious carbon footprint calculation. Completing a manual calculation means about 600 pages of documentation, 1,000 hours of crunching data, and $25,000 worth of unsupported environmental data sets. Even if a company completes this process manually, they still won't know how to take action on decarbonization.

In March of 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ruled that all publicly traded companies have 12-months to report on climate-related risks and opportunities, and 24-months to report on Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

As of 4/2/24, sixteen U.S. states have implemented or scheduled an emissions trading system or carbon tax.

The EU has mandated climate-related financial reporting for all international companies with revenues over $100M that even simply do business in those territories, whether based there or not.

Traction information

(2022) - Secured 6 paying launch partners out of 11 initial pitches; raised $300K in pre-seed funding
(2023) - Beta tested and iterated on our software MVP with 9 paying customers; first $10K ARR; 8 companies achieved carbon neutrality
(2024) - APIs and ML model bring a 2,000hr calculation process down to 1hr for most clients; prepared for TCFD-compliant reporting; currently going to market!

Product images


May 2024

Fundraising: Our CFO, Lori Hines, joins the round!

Lori Hines has been our fractional CFO and an important part of our team since the earliest days of ClimateHound.

We are happy to have Lori join our seed round with a $50,000 investment.

March 2024

SEC Adopts Rules on Climate-Related Disclosure, Aligned to TCFD

The SEC has ruled that publicly traded companies have 12 and 24-month deadlines to begin reporting.

March 2024

TCFD-Aligned Reporting

ClimateHound is prepared to support TCFD-aligned reports, including a climate risk assessment.

February 2024

Franchise Support

ClimateHound software can now support franchises.

January 2024

Responsive Software

Our software is now responsive across all browser-enabled device types.

July 2023

Panel at Tales of the Cocktail

Palmer moderates a panel at Tales of the Cocktail, makes lasting industry connections, and generates $197K in opportunity leads.

March 2023

First $10K ARR

9 craft beverage launch partners; 8 companies have achieved carbon neutral 🧩

November 2022

Co-Founder and CTO

Palmer meets Jake McHargue while networking in Austin, TX, and they hit it off talking about opportunities for ClimateHound.

September 2022

Pre-Seed Funding

Raised a $300K pre-seed at a $2.5M post-money valuation.

September 2022

First Podcast: Consuming the Craft

Palmer is interviewed by Jeffrey “Puff” Irvin, director of the Craft Beverage Institute of the Southeast, and they speak about his path to founding ClimateHound and the vision for the company.

August 2022

Proof of Concept

Landed 6 clients out of our first 11 pitches; carbon accounting was executed manually utilizing Google Forms and spreadsheets


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Currently raising capital

round goal
Total raised to date:$600,000

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