Eden Grow Systems

We bring NASA growing technology down from space and into your home or business

About Eden Grow Systems

Eden’s line of consumer growing products, provide consumers with an automated, simple, and intuitive way to grow food.

Modular, low maintenance, and easy to assemble, consumers can create a system that is perfect for their needs. No prior knowledge of farming or gardening is needed.

With multiple tower configurations users can scale from small to large growing operations. Scalable, and Affordable. The system is plug and play. 24/7 access to Eden’s monitoring system and virtual help desk ensure farming success.

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Problem statement

More than ever before communities and businesses are becoming more concerned with where and how their food is grown. Two major trends are leading this change:

1: Unstable food supply chains are forcing everyone to think local and personally.

2: A growing number of people that are making new demands in how they buy their food; they want local, organic, and green.

Currently the AgTech ecosystem is lacking in solutions geared toward consumers, small businesses and communities.

Traction information

• 2021-2022: Secured Academic Partnerships with: Texas A&M, NDSU, NMSU.
• March 2021: Launched the ET-100, the first module of the Genesis System
• October 2021: Selected as Deep Tech Pioneer by Hello Tomorrow
• October 2021: Former Kennedy Space Center Plant Research Director Dr. Gary Stutte Joins Eden Grow Systems
• December 2021: Featured on the front cover of the Houston Chronicle
• April 2022: U.S. Air Force Selects Eden Grow Systems to Develop Aeroponic Solution to Support Remote U.S. Space Force Installations
• November 2022: EDEN became an Official NASA Spinoff Company.

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Product images


November 2021

Government Grant Received

Eden Grow Systems received $47,411.00 from Air Force


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Added almost 3 years ago


Not raising capital right now

Total raised to date:$1,200,000

Government grants

AgencyTotal Amount
Air Force$47,411.00

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