
Bringing Augmented Reality to the travel and eventTech industries!

About CityGuyd

CityGuyd brings recent advancements in Augmented Reality technology to both the travel and eventtech markets by augmenting real life tour guides or famous figures on the ground of travel destinations and events across the globe! We are "digitizing" the tour guide experience by allowing tour guides to connect directly with travelers digitally through their phones. Our app uses AR technology and GPS signals to let travelers know our digital tour guides are available whenever they approach a known landmark or attraction. Our AR tour guides then pop up on the ground in front of users to tell them anything they need to know, in their chosen language of course, in a socially distant, face-to-face engaging experience that has never before been possible!

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Problem statement

Covid-19's dramatically negative impact on the travel industry has proven the industry has a major problem - we failed to embrace the digital future. The need to embrace new technologies and digitize the tour guide experience has never been more apparent than in the post-Covid world. Private tour guides come at a premium cost, group tours aren't viable in the age of social distance, audio tours are one dimensional, and travel books feel antiquated. This industry needs to embrace new technologies to reach new audiences, rebound post-Covid, and prevent future damage in case of pandemics. Younger travelers gravitate towards technology and digital interactions, and the incoming Augmented Reality tech revolution all leads to one path - a digitized AR tour guide experience. That is the problem CityGuyd solves!

Traction information

Multiple paid pilots ongoing now - both with the Ministry of Tourism in Portugal and major sport leagues in Australia like the Grand Prix!
Overwhelmingly positive review from our hundreds of users!
Featured in the top 25 hottest startups to keep an eye on in 2021 by PhocusWire - the leading authority in travel, tourism and hospitality market research!
Accelerator Programs: MassChallenge, Discoveries 2021, Capital Factory, & Startupbootcamp.
Raised roughly $30,000 in investment!
Selected in the top 7 most innovative travel tech startups to pitch at last year’s Phocuswright Pitch Competition!
Recently featured on front page of TravelMassive!
Selected in top 20 startups out of thousands at Web Summit to demo our product live on stage!

Product images


CityGuyd is proud to announce our selection in the top 20 out of hundreds of global startups who applied, to the Startupbootcamp Australia accelerator, focusing on bringing our AR technology to sporting events in the Australian market!



Not raising capital right now

Total raised to date:$75,000
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