
Restoring nutrient security from soil to our cells.

About Modgarden

Modgarden: Reviving the Food System from the Brink of Collapse

Modgarden transforms urban spaces into thriving hubs of fresh, living organic greens, inspired by century-old agricultural wisdom. Our vertical TinyFarms grow nutrient-dense, soil-based produce in restaurants, schools, senior living homes, and more—putting transparency and nourishment within steps of where people live and work.

By decentralizing food production and focusing on heirloom growing methods, we prioritize nutrient security over industrial abundance. Our mission: shift control of food from big-ag corporations back to urban communities, fostering health, sustainability, and transparency.

Failure to act risks a future dominated by corporate control, where food is abundant but hollow, and organic farming disappears. Modgarden brings fresh, local, organic food back to cities, restoring a sustainable connection between people and their food.

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Problem statement

Modern farming practices have led to a steep loss of nutrients in food (vis-a-vis the soil) which has been detrimental and costly to population health.

Less than 1% of the 911M acres of US farms are certified organic. This decline in food quality has created a global **nutrient security issue, where essential nutrients in our diet are significantly reduced.

As a result of lack of pure food access, we’re experiencing a global record rise in chronic disease, and falling life expectancies over the last five decades, where the US ranks 53rd.

Traction information

- Running a pilot at a 5*Hotel Restaurant in Austin. In pilot phase, adding on more pilots,
- Utility & Design patents granted, trade secrets on our soil recipe,
- 88 pre-paid customers over a 6 day in-person campaign, with 170+ to date,
- Winner Milan Design Week, (out of 543 global products),
- Winner QVC’s - Kitchen electrics competition.

Product video

Product images


March 2024

Hotel Pilot

We have started a pilot with a major hotel chain in Austin and have placed a prototype in the hotel dining room which is being promoted by the staff as ‘organic greens grown on premises.’

We are working with the head chef to target a volume of greens and fold it into certain foods such as topping microgreens on pizza, adding it to sandwhiches, etc.

Our estimation is that we’ll be really getting going with multiple cycles of microgreen growing and developing a revenue model that is repeatable and scalable.


Thibault has visited this profile using a private link.
Added 9 months ago
Vincent Diallo has visited this profile using a private link.
Added about 1 year ago

Four highlights.
1. FINANCING: Thus far we have soft-circles for $250K to 300K towards our milestone of $500k. If you’re interested in jumping on let me know, we’re looking to close this out by SXSW. Note: our valuation cap steps up as interim money goals are reached.

2. PATENT: The USPTO has allowed our utility patent application! This is a massive win, as it positions us to corner the indoor (microbial) soil based vertical farms. We will be filing continuances and will spawn multiple patent applications in as reasonable a way as possible, ie, without detracting from getting to market.

3. PO for 140 units from the UN
We are nearing a purchase order for 140 tinyFarms for climate friendly homes being built in Portugal. Their ultimate charter is to build 6,250 homes, with this being the first installation. This is about a $150K+ order. More to come on this.

4. PRODUCT HARDWARE: After a long manufacturer assessment, a potential partner has emerged out of Asia. They're experienced with an excellent cost structure for the appliance (targeting less than $100 to build and deliver) perfect for our price target of $350 MSRP without compromising beauty. My goal is still to bring manufacturing on-shore.

Carley Deardorff has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 2 years ago
Remi Donnelly has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 2 years ago
Fallon Thompson has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 2 years ago
Rachael C has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 2 years ago
Aamar Khwaja has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 2 years ago
Sid has visited this profile using a private link.
Added about 3 years ago


Currently raising capital

Total raised to date:$600,000

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