Steve Kelley


Steve holds a Masters in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University and started his career at Motorola Semiconductor. At Motorola, he was appointed as a Dan Noble Technical Fellow.

In 1993 Steve founded NetSolve, Inc. which went public in 1999 and he was intimately involved in its eventual acquisition in 2004 by Cisco Systems. As NetSolve’s first CEO, Steve raised significant venture capital for the company. Steve and Russell Sellers, the Arganteal CTO, were intimately involved in promoting the Cisco Acquisition. After leaving Cisco, Steve worked at BreakingPoint Systems with the other founder, Scott Stevens and at ShoreGroup, a Cisco partner.

In 2013 Steve founded Arganteal Corporation with two partners above. He raised the initial funds for the company. Then in 2019 he secured an Air Force contract at the first NYC pitch day. That led to a much larger USAF contract in 2020 which continues to fund the company's development today.


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